In an episode that felt more like Twilight Zone than Star Trek, Beverly Crusher navigates an alternate reality where the crew mysteriously disappears. I vote for not allowing your junior crewman to carry out crazy experiments aboard your flagship vessel. Join in as we unpack the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, Remember Me.

Stardate: 44161.2. Dr. Crusher begins to question her sanity when members of the crew start disappearing one by one, and all evidence of their existence is erased.

Lee Sheldon

Cliff Bole

Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, Michael Dorn, Marina Sirtis, LeVar Burton, Gates McFadden

Guest Stars
Wil Wheaton, Colm Meaney, Eric Menyuk, Bill Erwin

Star Trek: The Next Generation “Remember Me” Review

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