With time running out to save the future, Picard takes matters into his own hands and seeks out an old friend for help. Meanwhile, Rios ends up on the wrong side of the law and Jurati makes a deal with the Borg Queen.
- Writer
- Travis Fickett, Juliana James
- Director
- Lea Thompson
- Cast
- Patrick Stewart, Alison Pill, Jeri Ryan, Michelle Hurd, Evan Evagora, Santiago Cabrera, Brent Spiner
- Guest Stars
- Madeline Wise, Leif Gantvoort, Chloé Wepper, Karl T. Wright, Sean Freeland, Kelli Dawn Hancock, Isabella Meneses, Brian Quinn, Danielle Thorpe, Kirk R. Thatcher, Oscar Camacho, Ito Aghayere, Sol Rodríguez, Dylan Von Halle, Annie Wersching, Penelope Mitchell, John de Lancie, Orla Brady

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