A new signal appears, prompting Stamets' emotional return to the mycelial network and leading Burnham, Pike and Owosekun to a pre-warp planet, where they face a complex ethical dilemma. Tilly's overeagerness lands her in trouble but when the planet - and Discovery's landing party - are threatened, her curiosity may be the one thing that can save them.
- Director
- Jonathan Frakes
- Cast
- Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, Mary Wiseman, Anthony Rapp, Anson Mount, Wilson Cruz, Shazad Latif
- Guest Stars
- Andrew Moodie, Sheila McCarthy, Bahia Watson, Loretta Shenosky, Hannah Cheesman, Julianne Grossman, Ronnie Rowe, Oyin Oladejo, Patrick Kwok-Choon, Emily Coutts, Raven Dauda, Noah Davis, Claire Qute, Kiara Alondra Groulx

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