Terok Nor to Deep Space Nine and Personnel Choices: The Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko Ch. 21-24
Welcome back to the Trekkie Book Club, ah, Tri-ox Compound — where we give you specialized treatments where you can read faster and go stronger (wait, that doesn't work). We resume our discussion of 'The Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko' written by Derek Tyler Attico, as we cover chapters 21 through 24. In this episode, Benjamin talks about picking his personal for Deep Space Nine, becoming the Emissary to the Bajoran people, Cardassians, and betrayal. Join us as we chop it up!
Turning Terok Nor into Deep Space Nine and Personnel Choices: The Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko Ch. 21-24
Welcome back to the Trekkie Book Club, ah, Tri-ox Compound — where we give you specialized treatments where you can read faster and go stronger (wait, that doesn't work). We resume our discussion of 'The Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko' written by Derek Tyler Attico, as we cover chapters 21 through 24. In this episode, Benjamin talks about picking his personal for Deep Space Nine, becoming the Emissary to the Bajoran people, Cardassians, and betrayal. Join us as we chop it up!
Star Trek Section 31 Movie Review: What Happened?
Star Trek: Section 31 starring Michelle Yeoh... what happened? Join us as we dissect this universally panned Star Trek movie and try to find any redeeming qualities. We'll explore what, if anything, works, and more importantly, where it all went wrong. Prepare for some strong opinions! #StarTrek #Section31 #MichelleYeoh #MovieReview #StarTrekReview